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I love to blog and bluetooth seemed a natural because of my geeky nature!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

All The bluetooth gps receivers Updates

Bluetooth devices are capable of sending and receiving information from many devices simultaneously because of their ability to communicate with each other automatically. They are a preferred choice over the Infra � red because they can function without a line of sight. Bluetooth enabled devices generally need to be within a range of 10 metres from one another, although there are some more powerful ones that can detect gadgets within a range of 20 metres as well. The fact that the Bluetooth signals are relatively weak ensures that there is non � interference in the functioning of other gadgets that may be within the stipulated range.
To learn more go to Bluetooth.

To transfer mobile phone free ringtones using a Bluetooth, it is important to have both the mobile phones equipped with this wireless facility. The Bluetooth must be turned on on both the phones. This can be done by going through the MENU and then to the TOOLS folder. Within this folder there would be an option to select the CONNECTIONS. It is this folder that allows access to various wireless connections that could be established using the mobile phone. Bluetooth needs to be turned on here. Both the mobile phones between which the ring tone transfer is desired need to follow this procedure. Although there are a variety of phones available and each phone will have its own navigation process, the above mentioned procedure is largely true for most of the popular mobile phone models.
To learn more go to Bluetooth.

Linux Bluetooth Remote Control (LBRC) is a remote control program that allows a Linux computer to be controlled by a J2ME device via Bluetooth. It is divided into a server part that runs on the computer and reacts to input events and a client part that runs on the J2ME device. The J2ME client sends the device's keycodes, which are translated to keystrokes, mouse movements, mouse clicks, or other input events on the controlled computer.
To find out just go to Bluetooth.

The men�s clothing retailer�s Bangalore outlet recently turned into a gaming arena of sorts. Customers with Bluetooth-enabled handsets who visited the store were given a chance to download an Indigo Nation branded game for free and redeem discounts on purchases. �With every passing level in the Indigo Nation Monster Car Rally, the user can redeem a discount coupon of 5% with a maximum of 20%,� said Kanwalpreet Walia, marketing manager, Indus-League Clothing Ltd., which manufactures the clothing line.
To find out just go to Bluetooth.

Adtec is claiming their new Bluetooth headset to be worlds smallest at only .9x.86x1.2 inches, weighing only .01 ounces or 5 grams. That�s pretty darn tiny. My two biggest concerns is how good is the quality and the company�s optimistic claim of 3-hours talk-time or 100 hours of standby.

Tranzeo Wireless Offers Turn-Key WiMAX Solution With New Family of Pico Base Stations Using Proximetry's AirSync

Thu, 21 Feb 2008 00:00:00 EST
Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Inc. (TSX:TZT) announces a new family of turn-key WiMAX pico base stations using Proximetry's market-leading intelligent provisioning and management software, AirSync. The first product operates in the 3.5GHz licensed band, offering wireless internet service providers (WISPs) and emerging carriers a price/performance breakthrough and higher degrees of base station performance management.

Proxim Wireless Connects 25 Rural Communities with Broadband Wireless Network for 1/10th the Cost of a Hard-Wired Solution

Tue, 19 Feb 2008 00:00:00 EST
Proxim Wireless Corporation (NASDAQ: PRXM) announced that CXS, a Proxim integrator, has deployed a wireless system using Proxim's equipment in the county of Renfrewshire in Scotland. The wireless system enables users of the service to benefit from online learning and general e-commerce facilities such as online banking.




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